Explaining Chart

Chart Pie :

Consumption Pattern and Preferences of Milk

in West Java

(n = 360)


West Java communities most milk consumed in the form of dairy products, namely milk powder. Objectives for the fulfillment generally consume family nutrition and health reasons. The availability of milk in the neighborhood where the consumer a reason to consume milk consumers. Because of the limited availability of whole milk in the market so most consumers choose dairy products, because of easily available, practical, hygienic, better to know the benefits of dairy products from milk labels and promotions through print and lektronik and taste. Therefore, the marketing strategy is an extension of pure milk marketing areas, labeling the nutritional value of pure milk, the packaging is attractive, affordable commodity prices, and promotion via print and electronic media.

Explaination :

  • There are 40% goals concume milk for child nutririon. 144 peoples of 360 peoples Objectives for the fulfillment generally consume for child nutrition.
  • There are 10% goals concume milk for maternal nutririon. 36 peoples of 360 peoples Objectives for the fulfillment generally consume for maternal nutrition.
  • There are 40% goals concume milk for family nutririon. 144 peoples of 360 peoples Objectives for the fulfillment generally consume for family nutrition.
  • There are 10% goals concume milk for special purposes. 36 peoples of 360 peoples Objectives for the fulfillment generally consume for special purposes.

Source : http://peternakan.litbang.deptan.go.id/fullteks/semnas/pro10-67.pdf